Downstairs Bathroom
August 16, 2008

We've been working on texturing the walls, painting, tiling the floor and tub/shower walls as well as installing the bath tub, toilet, vanity, medicine cabinet, and new light fixtures. The tiling has been a little slow since it involves installing the cement backerboard first. Then after laying the tile, the thinset has to sit for 24 hours to cure before the seams can be grouted. Then the grout needs 48 hours before it can be sealed.

First we installed the bath tub, then drywall and cement backerboard, tiled the floor, then textured and painted the walls and installed the toilet. After preparing the tub/shower walls for tile, we installed the vanity, medicine cabinet and light. Then we got back to the wall tile. We're still working on the wall tile, but I figured I'd get some pictures up now anyway.

The bath tub was the first thing installed, then the cement
backerboard on the walls and floor, and drywall to cover up
the wall we had open for the plumbing.

Here is the floor with the backerboard installed and our tile layout lines.

Moving along with the tile.

The tiles are all down. Now we just need to wait 24 hours, remove
the spacers, and then grout between the tiles.

This is after applying the grout. Its still wet in this picture, so
its a little dark.

After painting the walls and installing the toilet we decided it would
be nice to be able to use the shower. So we temporarily hung some plastic.

Next we installed the new vanity, medicine cabinet, and light fixture.

We made a couple layout lines for the wall tile, then decided to just go ahead and mark all the tile seams since it was quick and would help make sure we kept the tiles running level.

Brooke using the last of the first batch of thinset we mixed to finish
taping the seams in the backerboard.

Two walls tiled (except for the bottom row) and ready to move on to the third wall. Then we'll put in the bottom row, and grout.